Legislation & Directives
The laws relating to Small Craft in Antigua and Barbuda are divided into two main areas, distinguished by the nature of the respective operation:
Small commercially used vessels are regulated mainly through the Merchant Shipping Regulations 2008 (Small Commercial Vessel Regulations), which make reference to the Small Commercial Vessel Code (SCV Code), made in exercise of the powers contained in section 7 of the Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping Act 2006.
Small craft used for pleasure purposes only are regulated mainly through the Small Craft (Control) Regulations 2017, which make reference to the Small Craft (Control) Code (SCC Code), made in exercise of the powers contained in section 6 of the Small Craft Control Act 2015, No. 14 of 2015.
In addition to these general regulations, ADOMS has established some Directives in certain safety related areas, and these directives are an integral part of Antigua and Barbuda Law and need to be adhered to as well.
Examples are Directive No. 003, dated the 1st of June 2013 establishing the definition of Safe Haven for vessels operating under the SCV Code and the limits determined for Protected Waters and Coastal Waters by ADOMS. Additionally, the Directive contains a General Exemption for certain vessels operating in protected waters only during daylight, from the requirements of the carriage of liferafts and/or buoyant apparatus, subject to certain conditions.
For overall Antigua and Barbuda Maritime legislation, please see here.
Incident Report Form
If a vessel is involved in an accident that results in injury to a person who requires medical treatment beyond first aid, but not admittance to hospital, or that causes minor property damage, the owner or operator shall complete this accident report form and submit...
The Small Craft (Control) Regulations 2017
These regulations apply to small craft licensed in Antigua and Barbuda , or operating within Antigua and Barbuda waters, irrespective of whether the small craft is also licensed or registered under any other law in Antigua and Barbuda.
The Shipping (Small Commercial Vessels) Regulations 2008
These regulations apply the Caribbean Small Commercial Vessels Code to vessels operating in Antigua and Barbuda and less than 24 metres in length and to Antigua and Barbuda registered commercial vessels of less than 24 metres operating on international voyages in the...
Code of Safety for Small Pleasure Craft – SCC Code 2017
This is the 2017 version of the Small Craft Control Code that applies to all pleasure craft operating in Antigua and Barbuda waters of less than 24 metres in length, whether non self-propelled, power driven,maneuvered by oars, or poles, or under sail. It also...
The Small Craft Act, 2015
This Act applies to small pleasure craft operating in Antigua and Barbuda waters and the Antigua and Barbuda Department of Marine Services (ADOMS) is responsible for Registration, Licensing and Regulation.It includes private/pleasure operations on inland waters and...
Directors Directive 003 2013 rev 1
This Directive has effect from 1st June 2013. It establishes the definition of Safe Haven for vessels operating under the SCV Code and it establishes the limits that are determined for Protected Waters and Coastal Waters by ADOMS. Additionally the Directive contains...
Code of Safety for Caribbean Cargo Ships – CCSS Code 2018
This is the 2018 version of the Code of Safety for Caribbean Cargo Ships that applies to cargo ships of less than 500 gross tonnage including oil tankers and tankers, irrespective of length, engaged on international voyages trading in the Caribbean Trading Area. The...
Code of Safety for Small Commercial Vessels – SCV Code 2017
This is the 2017 version of the Small Commercial Vessel Code that applies to vessels operating commercially, trading in the Caribbean Trading Area (which includes Antigua and Barbuda waters), which are 5 metres or more in length overall and less than 24 metres in...