Information Notices
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Information notices are recommendatory documents issued by the Administration to publicize important safety, security, environmental and other regulatory information which may be of interest to stakeholders.
Information Notices are numbered sequentially by year with subsequent revisions being identified by a revision number. It should be noted that specific Information Notice numbers may be reserved for future use and may not be published in numerical order.
Information Notices are available at the links below.
Information Notice 2021-001 (Rev 1) DNV GL changes name to DNV
This Information Notice advises on the implications of the rebranding for Antigua and Barbuda flagged ships classed with DNV GL or where either DNV GL has issued ISM, ISPS, ILO, or other statutory certificates in accordance with International Conventions to which...
Information Notice 2020-004 Revised Fee Structure
This Information Notice provides a review of the existing fee structure and guidance on the implementation of a revised fee structure with effect from 1 January 2021
Information Notice 2020-003 The 2021 IMO Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea
This Information Notice provides guidance on the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) invitation for the nomination of candidates for the 2021 IMO Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea
Information Notice 2020-002 (Rev 1) Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Guidance
This Information Notice provides guidance to all owners and operators of Antigua and Barbuda ships on the Novel Coronavirus, based on recommendations developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) on the precautions to be taken to minimize risks to seafarers,...
Information Notice 2020-001 (Rev 1) IMO Sulphur Cap 2020
This Information Notice draws attention of all persons involved in operating vessels to the limit for sulphur in fuel oil used on board ships operating outside designated emission control areas.
Information Notice 2019-004 (Rev 1) India Bans Plastic on Ships
This Information Notice draws attention of all persons involved in operating vessels to the DGS Order No. 05 of 2019 prohibiting the use of single-use plastics on Indian flagged ships and foreign-flagged ships that call to any port or place in India and during their...
Information Notice 2019-002 (Rev 1) Lifeboat Release and Recovery / Retrieval Systems & Bunker Delivery Notices and Forms
This Information Notice informs and reminds ADOMS clients and stakeholders of the regulatory requirements regarding Lifeboat Release and Recovery / Retrieval Systems (LRRS) and Bunker Delivery Notices and Forms (BDN).
Information Notice 2018-006 (Rev 1) Control and Management of Ship Biofouling
This Information Notice draws attention to the International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on Ships, 2001 (AFS Convention) which addresses the anti-fouling systems on ships, with its focus on the prevention of adverse impacts from the use...
Information Notice 2018-005 (Rev 1) Dual Load Lines Policy / Change of Load Lines / Attendance of Class Surveyor
This Information Notice draws attention to the requirements of the Administration regarding the Change of Load Lines on Vessels under Dual Load Line Certification
Information Notice 2018-003 (Rev 5) EU MRV / IMO DCS Regulation
This Information Notice provides guidance in respect to the European Union’s MRV (Monitoring, Reporting, Verification) scheme [EU Reg. 2015/757] and the IMO’s DCS (Data Collection System) scheme [MARPOL Annex VI Reg. 22a & MEPC.293(71)]. It supersedes Information...