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New Publications

Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance (DMLC) Part I

This is the Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Part I. This document is prepared by the flag State and outlines each element of the flag State’s laws that gives effect to the Maritime Labour Convention 2006. It is the reference source for inspectors both for...

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The Director of the Antigua and Barbuda’s Department of Marine Services and Merchant Shipping (ADOMS) elected to Chair one of the five Committees of the International Maritime Organisation, a United Nations Specialized Agency.

The International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) Technical Cooperation Committee (TCC) elected Ambassador Dwight C. R. Gardiner of Antigua and Barbuda by acclimation as the Chairman at its 73rd Session being held over the period 16 to 20 October 2023, at the IMO...

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Indian Ocean MOU CIC for 2023 will be on Fire Safety Systems

The member Authorities of the Indian Ocean Memorandum of Understanding (IOMOU) on port State control will launch a Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on “Fire Safety”. Inspection campaign will commence from 1 September, 2023 and will continue till 30 November...

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