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Port Welfare

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Antigua and Barbuda recognizes that seafarers play a key role, in the shipping industry, that cannot be overlooked and ensures that all efforts are made to improve their quality of life and experience ashore.

The Antigua and Barbuda Port Welfare Committee (ABPWC) was established on 17 November 2015, as part of a world-wide initiative of the International Seafarers’ Welfare Assistance Network (ISWAN) funded by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) Seafarers’ Trust. Antigua and Barbuda through the Department of Marine Services and Merchant Shipping was successful in its bid to be part of this pilot project and became one of the first Welfare Committees to be formed in the Eastern Caribbean.

The Committee seeks to provide a forum where representatives from organizations which deal with the welfare of seafarers, can meet to discuss and co-ordinate their actions to improve the welfare services and support made available to seafarers.

The Committee meets regularly (at least 3 times per year) to discuss and resolve seafarers’ welfare issues with representatives from organizations such as the Port Authority, Labour Department, Trade Unions, Maritime Administration, ship owners, shipping agents and voluntary organizations.

Contact us abpwc2015@gmail.com

Visit us on our Facebook page: Antigua and Barbuda Port Welfare Committee

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