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SOLAS Circular 2012-011 (Rev 3) Maintenance and Inspection for Fire Fighting Appliances and Equipment
This Circular provides information on the availability of IMO guidelines when performing maintenance, testing and inspections in accordance with SOLAS Chapter II-2 of fire protection systems and appliances in ships. .
SOLAS Circular 2012-007 (Rev 3) Lifeboat on-load release mechanisms and fall preventer devices
This Circular provides information on the interpretation, expectations, and requirements of the Administration in respect of Lifeboat on-load Release mechanisms and Fall Preventer Devices.
SOLAS Circular 2012-004 (Rev 2) Maintenance and Operational Readiness of Life-saving appliances
This Circular provides information in respect of the amendments to Chapter III of SOLAS that came into force on 1 January 2020 by the adoption of Resolution MSC.402(96) in 2016 and explains the Antigua and Barbuda requirements.
SOLAS Circular 2021-001 (Rev 1) Enforcement of EU ship recycling regulation no. 1257/2013 (EU SRR) relating to the inventory of hazardous materials
This Circular provides information on the notice recently adopted by the EU Commission providing guidelines on the enforcement of obligations under the EU Ship Recycling Regulation No. 1257/2013, relating to the Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM).
SOLAS Circular 2020-006 (Rev 1) Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) Asbestos found onboard.._
This Circular provides information on the interpretation, expectations, and requirements of the Administration in respect of Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) – Asbestos Found Onboard.
SOLAS Circular 2020-005 (Rev 1) Maritime Cyber Risk Management
This Circular provides information on the interpretation, expectations, and requirements of the Administration in respect of the Maritime Cyber Risk Management.
SOLAS Circular 2019-001 (Rev 2) International Code for ships operating in Polar waters (Polar Code) & the Polar Water Operations Manual (PWOM)
This Circular provides information and binding direction on the application of procedures relating to polar water operations statutory certification, in particular the approval of the so-called “Polar Water Operations Manual” (PWOM).
SOLAS Circular 2018-001 (Rev 1) Magnetic Compass(es): Guidelines on Installation, Compensation and drawing up of Deviation Tables
This Circular provides information on the interpretation, expectations, and requirements of the Administration in respect of the installation, compensation and drawing up of Deviation Tables for magnetic compasses aboard all Antigua and Barbuda internationally...
SOLAS Circular 2014-006 (Rev 1) 2015 amendments to the International Safety Management (ISM) Code
This Circular provides information and guidance to the owners, managers, Company Designated Persons Ashore and Masters of Antigua and Barbuda flagged ships, concerning amendments of the International Safety Management (ISM).Code
SOLAS Circular 2014-002 (Rev 1) Carriage and Testing of Iron Ore Fines
This Circular provides information on the interpretation, expectations, and requirements of the Administration in respect of the early implementation of draft amendments to the IMSBC Code related to the carriage and testing of iron ore fines.