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This Publication index is categorized in alphabetical order according to subject matter. It provides the most current version of all the Directives and Circulars that ships flying the Antigua and Barbuda flag are required to comply with.
The most current versions of all publications are available in the Information Center . Please note that previous versions (which may have been printed or downloaded) are removed and are no longer published and should be disregarded.
Accident Reporting
Miscellaneous Circular 2021-002 Reporting of Accidents
This Circular provides information on the steps and actions that should be taken on Antigua and Barbuda ships in so far as defining reportable incidents and making reports in compliance with Directive 001-2012. It supersedes Circular 2012-002
Directive 001-2012 Accident reporting
This Directive sets out the requirements for reporting of accidents and other incidents occurring in Antigua and Barbuda ships.
Air Pollution
MARPOL Circular 2012-008 (Rev 1) MARPOL Annex VI Records
This Circular provides all those involved with the necessary information and guidance on the MARPOL Annex VI Records and the position of ADOMS, with respect to its implementation.
Alcohol Limits
Directive 004-2012 Fitness for Duty and Watchkeeping
This Directive makes mandatory the 2010 amendments to STCW on alcohol limits for Antigua and Barbuda ships and sets out the requirements for watchkeeping and lookout arrangements in accordance with STCW.
Directive 01-2003 Anti Fouling Systems Directive
This Directive implements the AFS Convention (Anti-Fouling Systems) for Antigua and Barbuda ships.
SOLAS Circular 2011-001 (Rev 2) Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm Systems (BNWAS)
This Circular provides information on the position of ADOMS in so far as any delay in the fitting of Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm Systems (BNWAS) may be considered.
SOLAS Circular 2014-002 (Rev 1) Carriage and Testing of Iron Ore Fines
This Circular provides information on the interpretation, expectations, and requirements of the Administration in respect of the early implementation of draft amendments to the IMSBC Code related to the carriage and testing of iron ore fines.
Crew Accommodation
Directive 002-2013 Crew Accommodation
This Directive replaces the previous Directive on this subject. It applies the requirements of the ILO conventions 92 and 133 to Antigua and Barbuda ships in the same way as the previous Directive, but it adds in a requirement to carry certification to show that the...
Drinking Water
Directive 002-2005 Drinking Water Standards (amended)
This Directive was first issued in 2005 and sets out the requirements for annual testing of ship's drinking water. It is amended in 2013 to include more clarity on standards, methods of sampling, and an allowance for self-testing provided the testing regime is more...
SOLAS Circular 2012-006 (Rev 2) Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) and Carriage of Electronic Publications
This Circular provides information on the interpretation, expectations, and requirements of the Administration in respect of ECDIS and Carriage of Electronic Publications.
Electronic Certification
Miscellaneous Circular 2018-004 (Rev 1) FAL Convention (1965) [as amended] Electronic Certification
This Circular provides information on the validity and use of electronic certificates in respect to both statutory- and non-statutory certification, issued by Recognized Organizations (ROs) and Recognized Security Organizations (RSOs) for and on behalf of the...
Emergency contact arrangements and out of hours service
Miscellaneous Circular 2013-004 (Rev 4) ADOMS Emergency Contact Arrangements and Out of Office Hours Service
This Circular provides information in respect of contacting ADOMS after regular office hours in cases of emergency.
Energy Efficieny
MARPOL Circular 2012-003 (Rev 2) SEEMP and IEEC requirements
This Circular provides all those involved with the necessary information and guidance on the Ship’s Energy Efficiency Management Plans (SEEMP): International Energy Efficiency Certificate on the position of ADOMS, with respect to its implementation
SOLAS Circular 2012-012 (Rev 1) Registry and Maintenance of EPIRBS
This Circular provides information on the process for registering and maintaining Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs).
Declaration of Familiarisation for Senior Officers
This Declaration is required to be signed by all senior officers as a part of their application for an Antigua and Barbuda endorsement. The Declaration confirms that the applicant is familiar with the Senior Officer's Handbook which sets out the essential aspects of...
Senior Officer’s Handbook
This is the essential guide to Antigua and Barbuda requirements for Senior Officers serving in Antigua and Barbuda ships. It contains the key information needed to meet the requirements of Regulation I/10.2 of STCW for officers at the management level under II/2,...
Directive 003-2012 Familiarisation Information for Officers
This Directive establishes the Senior Officer's handbook (See other Information) as the source document for senior officers to become familiar with essential administrative requirements for Antigua and Barbuda ships.
Fire Fighting
SOLAS Circular 2012-011 (Rev 3) Maintenance and Inspection for Fire Fighting Appliances and Equipment
This Circular provides information on the availability of IMO guidelines when performing maintenance, testing and inspections in accordance with SOLAS Chapter II-2 of fire protection systems and appliances in ships. .
SOLAS Circular 2013-009 (Rev 1) Fireman’s Outfits – SOLAS amendments
This Circular provides early advice to shipowners and others of the requirements of the Administration in respect of the IMO guidance on Firemen’s outfits and related amendments.
Garbage Record Book
MARPOL Circular 2018-002 (Rev 2) Amendment to MARPOL Annex V: New regulations for Garbage Management Documentation (Garbage Record Book)
This Circular provides information on the interpretation, expectations, and requirements of the Administration in respect of the new regulations on garbage record books and record keeping.
Inventory of Hazardous Materials
SOLAS Circular 2021-001 (Rev 1) Enforcement of EU ship recycling regulation no. 1257/2013 (EU SRR) relating to the inventory of hazardous materials
This Circular provides information on the notice recently adopted by the EU Commission providing guidelines on the enforcement of obligations under the EU Ship Recycling Regulation No. 1257/2013, relating to the Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM).
SOLAS Circular 2020-006 (Rev 1) Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) Asbestos found onboard.._
This Circular provides information on the interpretation, expectations, and requirements of the Administration in respect of Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) – Asbestos Found Onboard.
ISM Code
SOLAS Circular 2014-006 (Rev 1) 2015 amendments to the International Safety Management (ISM) Code
This Circular provides information and guidance to the owners, managers, Company Designated Persons Ashore and Masters of Antigua and Barbuda flagged ships, concerning amendments of the International Safety Management (ISM).Code
Directive 03-2002 ISM Code
This Directive implements the requirements of the ISM Code as mandatory for Antigua and Barbuda ships.
Miscellaneous Circular 2021-004 (Rev 3) Evidence of Financial Liability Cover under various Conventions
This Circular provides information to all those involved with the necessary information and ADOMS’ position, with respect to its implementation of the following: Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks, 2007 International Convention on Civil...
Directive 001-2015 Removal of Wrecks Directive
This Directive is to apply the Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks, 2007, which was adopted on the 18th May, 2007 and will enter into force on the 14th April, 2015 to Antigua and Barbuda.
Life jackets
SOLAS Circular 2011-002 (Rev 1) Lifejacket standards
This Circular sets out ADOMS policy on the application of LSA Code amendments covering life-jacket standards as far as existing lifejackets are concerned.
Lifesaving Appliances
SOLAS Circular 2012-007 (Rev 3) Lifeboat on-load release mechanisms and fall preventer devices
This Circular provides information on the interpretation, expectations, and requirements of the Administration in respect of Lifeboat on-load Release mechanisms and Fall Preventer Devices.
SOLAS Circular 2012-004 (Rev 2) Maintenance and Operational Readiness of Life-saving appliances
This Circular provides information in respect of the amendments to Chapter III of SOLAS that came into force on 1 January 2020 by the adoption of Resolution MSC.402(96) in 2016 and explains the Antigua and Barbuda requirements.
Lifting Appliances
ILO Circular 2022-003 Testing and Certification of Lifting Appliances
This Circular provides further information on the Merchant Shipping (Testing of Lifting Appliances) Directive 2022 and sets out guidance on the requirements for inspection and testing of lifting appliances for Antigua and Barbuda ships. It supersedes SOLAS Circular...
Directive 001-2022 Testing of Lifting Appliances
This Directive may be cited as the Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping (Testing of Lifting Appliances) Directive 2022 and shall come into force on 1 December 2022. It revokes and replaces Directive 002-2012 Lifting Appliances
SOLAS Circular 2008-003 (Rev 1) Long Range Information and Tracking (LRIT) Requirements
This Circular provides information on the application of the LRIT Requirements and the way that they will be implemented in Antigua and Barbuda. It also provides the addresses and contact details for the Authorised Testing Applications Service providers for Antigua...
Magnetic Compass
SOLAS Circular 2018-001 (Rev 1) Magnetic Compass(es): Guidelines on Installation, Compensation and drawing up of Deviation Tables
This Circular provides information on the interpretation, expectations, and requirements of the Administration in respect of the installation, compensation and drawing up of Deviation Tables for magnetic compasses aboard all Antigua and Barbuda internationally...
Maritime Cyber risk management
SOLAS Circular 2020-005 (Rev 1) Maritime Cyber Risk Management
This Circular provides information on the interpretation, expectations, and requirements of the Administration in respect of the Maritime Cyber Risk Management.
Maritime Cyber security
SOLAS Circular 2020-005 (Rev 1) Maritime Cyber Risk Management
This Circular provides information on the interpretation, expectations, and requirements of the Administration in respect of the Maritime Cyber Risk Management.
Maritime Labor Convention
Directive 001-2024 MLC 2022 Amendments Directive 2024
This Directive may be cited as the MLC (2006) 2022 Amendments Directive, 2024 and shall come into force on 23 December 2024. It will be considered revoked by entry into force of new Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention, 2006) Regulations
ILO Circular 2024-003 Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006) Amendments in force 23 December 2024
This Circular provides information on the 2022 Amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006) will enter into force on the 23 December 2024
ILO Circular 2020-007 (Rev 1) AB Seafarer Basic wages: Differences between ILO and IBF calculations
This Circular provides information on the interpretation, expectations, and requirements of the Administration in respect of AB seafarer basic wages and the differences between the ILO and the IBF.
ILO Circular 2018-003 (Rev 1) Maritime Labour Convention (2006) Seafarer’s Employment Agreements (SEA)
This Circular provides information on the interpretation, expectations, and requirements of the Administration in respect of seafarers’ employment agreements, particularly with regard to electronic signatures, entitlement to repatriation, notice of termination and...
ILO Circular 2016-001 (Rev 2) Maritime Labour Convention 2006 Guidance
This Circular provides guidance in respect of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006.
Directive 001-2017 MLC Financial Security Directive
This Directive may be cited as the MLC (2006) 2014 Amendments, Financial Security Directive 2017 and shall come into force on 18th January 2017.
MARPOL Electronic record books
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Means of Embarkation
SOLAS Circular 2010-004 (Rev 1) Means of Embarkation and Disembarkation
This Circular provides information on the requirements for the inspection and testing of accommodation ladders and gangways
Medical Stores
Directive 002-2022 Ships Medical Stores
This Directive may be cited as the Merchant Shipping (Ship’s Medical Stores) Directive 2022 and shall come into force on 1 December 2022. It revokes and replaces Directive 01-2005 Ships Medical Stores.
Merchant Shipping Act
Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping Act, 2006
This is the primary law of Antigua and Barbuda relating to the registry of ships and the maintenance of safety standards. This act implements international rules and regulations and provides generally for the regulation of ships flying the flag of Antigua and Barbuda.
Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act 2006
This amendment makes minor changes to the Primary Act, and updates some of the penalties applied under the act.
The Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act, 2007
This amends the Merchant Shipping Act, 2006, so as to permit the Antigua and Barbuda Department of Marine Services and Merchant Shipping to establish offices outside of Antigua and Barbuda, to allow registration for ships under construction, to establish registration...
The Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act, 2014
This amends the Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping Act, 2006, in line with developments at the International level. The main areas covered are; The removal of the restrictions on the registration of passenger ships and high speed craft so that these vessels types...
The Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act, 2017
This amendment expands the scope for the provisional registration of ships.
The Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act, 2018
This amendment provides for the implementation of a Tonnage Tax on vessels registered in Antigua and Barbuda.
The Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act, 2020
This amends the Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping Act, 2006 Regulations and directives to give effect in Antigua and Barbuda to maritime conventions, Qualification to own Antigua and Barbuda ships and insertion of new sections.
Directive 004-2013 STCW Tribunal Directive
This Directive replaces the previous Directive setting out the composition and rules of operation for a Tribunal set up under the Merchant Shipping Act provisions to deal with alleged cases of misconduct by officers holding Antigua and Barbuda endorsements. The...
Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
Miscellaneous Circular 2020-003 (Rev 2) Maximum period of shipboard service for seafarers during Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic
This Circular provides information on the process, whereby MLC Shipowners can request an extension beyond a period of 11 months up to a time that permits repatriation, under the submitted company Repatriation Plan, for affected crew members, on their Antigua and...
Miscellaneous Circular 2020- 001 (Rev 2) Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
This Circular provides information and binding direction on the application of procedures due to port restrictions resulting from the outbreak of the COVID -19 virus.
Officers Endorsement
Directive 001-2020 MLC 2018 Amendments: (Piracy and Armed Robbery) Directive 2020
This Directive may be cited as the MLC 2018 Amendments Piracy and Armed Robbery Directive 2020 and shall come into force on the 26th December 2020
SOLAS Circular 2013-003 (Rev 2) Piracy and Armed Robbery
This Circular provides information on the interpretation and guidance on the regulatory regime and industry best practices, along with the expectations and requirements of the Administration in respect of piracy and armed robbery against ships and their crew.
Polar Code
SOLAS Circular 2019-001 (Rev 2) International Code for ships operating in Polar waters (Polar Code) & the Polar Water Operations Manual (PWOM)
This Circular provides information and binding direction on the application of procedures relating to polar water operations statutory certification, in particular the approval of the so-called “Polar Water Operations Manual” (PWOM).
Port State Control
Miscellaneous Circular 2025-001 Requirement to comply with United Nations and G7 countries sanctions program by Antigua & Barbuda Ships
This Circular provides information on the requirement of Antigua and Barbuda ships to comply with the sanctions program of the United Nations, and G7 Countries. Vessels violating sanctions are liable for deletion from the register.
Miscellaneous Circular 2014-004 (Rev 4) Port State Control Inspection Reporting and Flag State follow up
This Circular provides all ADOMS’ clients and relevant Stakeholders with information on the requirement for reporting defects following a port state control inspection.
Miscellaneous Circular 2024-002 OFAC Guidance and Best Practices advisory on the Implementation of the Price Cap Policy for Crude Oil and Petroleum Products of Russian Federation Origin
This Circular provides information on the implementation and best practices for compliance with the United States and G7 Price Cap Policy for Crude Oil and Petroleum Products of Russian Federation Origin
Miscellaneous Circular 2023-002 (Rev 1) Australian Ports-Measures to mitigate port State control actions and detentions
This Circular provides information for shipping companies, operators, and Masters on mitigating the effects of port State control (PSC) actions and detentions in Australian ports.
Miscellaneous Circular 2018-005 (Rev 7) U.S. Coast Guard – Port State Control Regime Pre-Arrival Checklist for Vessels calling to the United States of America
This Circular provides information in respect of the U.S. Coast Guard Foreign Vessel Inspection and Compliance Policy and to implement relevant procedures and measures to be more prepared. The aim is to increase the performance of all clients, stakeholders, their...
Miscellaneous Circular 2020-002 (Rev 7) AMSA – Port State Control Regime Pre-Arrival Checklist for Vessels calling to Australian ports
This Circular provides information in respect of AMSA Port State Control procedures and Regulatory Policies to implement the relevant measures to be more prepared. The aim is to improve the performance of all clients, stakeholders, their vessels, and this...
Miscellaneous Circular 2022-002 Advisory on Sanctions Risk Related to Petroleum and Petroleum Products from Iran
This Circular provides information on the United States sanctions regimes with regard to the Islamic Republic of Iran, the policy of ADOMS for compliance with this sanction regime and risk mitigating measures for shipping interests
Miscellaneous Circular 2022-001 (Rev 1) – Preparation for Port State Control Inspections
This Circular provides information for shipping companies, ship managers, Masters, and crew members, on measures to mitigate the effects of port State control (PSC) inspections and resulting International Safety Management (ISM) related deficiencies.
Directive 001-2014 Port State Control Reporting
This directive sets out actions and reporting requirements in the event of a Port State Control Inspection being conducted on a vessel which raises deficiencies.
Recycling of ships
Miscellaneous Circular 2019-002 (Rev 2) Recycling of ships
This Circular provides information regarding the application of the requirements under the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009 (Hong Kong Convention) by Antigua and Barbuda
Directive 001-2019 Recycling of Ships
This Directive may be cited as the Recycling of Ships Directive 2019 and shall come into force on the 3rd September 2019
Application for Mortgage Registration
Application for Registration Checklist Ships Documents – vessel 500 gross tonnage and over
Application for Registration – vessel less than 24m or 500 gross tonnage
Application for Registration Checklist Newbuilding – vessel 500 gross tonnage and over
Application for Registration Checklist Permanent – vessel 500 gross tonnage and over
Application for Registration Checklist Bareboat – vessel 500 gross tonnage and over
Application for Registration Checklist – vessel less than 24m or 500 gross tonnage
Company Formation
This provides information who may register a vessel registered in Antigua Barbuda and provides a list of service providers to assist where required
Application for Registration – vessel 500 gross tonnage and over
Directive 03-2003 Port of Registry
This Directive establishes Saint John’s as the port of registry for Antigua and Barbuda ships.
SOLAS Circular 2013-008 (Rev 1) Recovery of Persons from the Water
This Circular provides early advice to shipowners and others of the requirements of the Administration in respect of the IMO guidance on plans for recovery of persons from the water.
Safe Manning
Application for Minimum Safe Manning Document
This form should be completed by any owner or manager on applying for a Minimum Safe Manning Document as required by Regulation 14 of Chapter V of SOLAS
IMO Principles of Safe Manning
This is the current version of the IMO's Principles of Safe Manning. It contains guidance on the processes required to assess the minimum safe manning for a ship.
Seafarer Documentation
Documents checklist for Seafarer’s Document Application
This checklist should be filled in and submitted with any application for seafarer's documents including endorsements and seafarer's books.
SOLAS Circular 2013-006 (Rev 1) Ship Security and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code
This Circular provides information and guidance concerning the application of the International Ship and Port Facility Code (ISPS) Code
SOLAS Circular 2013-005 (Rev 1) Maintaining the Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) File
This Circular provides information on the interpretation, expectations, and requirements of the Administration in respect of maintaining the CSR
CSR Form 2- change of CSR details
This form is to be used when any of the details contained in the ship’s CSR are to be changed. All the data fields should be completed, but fields which are not changed should be entered as N/C. One copy of the Form 2 is to be retained on the ship’s CSR file on...
CSR Form 3 (Index of changes) blank form
This form is to be used to record changes to the ship's current CSR. The changes should all be listed and the Form 3 listing them inserted in the CSR file where it is to remain permanently. On recording changes on this Form, the Company or the Master should also...
STCW Circular 2014-001 (Rev 2) Seafarers’ Medical Certificates
This Circular provides information that reflects the latest procedures adopted by ADOMS with respect to Seafarers’ Medical Certificates and includes a list of Antigua and Barbuda approved Medical Practitioners whose certificates are accepted in addition to those...
STCW Circular 2012-002 (Rev 2) 2010 Amendments to STCW Regulation VI, Basic training, and Familiarization
This Circular provides information on the new grades of certificated seafarers created by the 2010 amendments to STCW and the approach of the administration towards them.
STCW Circular 2021-003 (Rev 1) Certificate of Proficiency as Ship Security Officer
This Circular provides information to clarify the requirements for the recognition of Ship Security Officer (SSO) certification following the 2008 STCW changes and also provides information on the policy of the Antigua and Barbuda administration in so far as the...
STCW Circular 2017-001 (Rev 1) Training Requirements for Seafarers on Ships using Gases or other Low-Flash point Fuels
This Circular provides information on the requirements in June 2015 by the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organization on its 95th session where it adopted the “International Code of Safety for Ships Using Gases or Other Low-Flashpoint Fuels”...
STCW Circular 2013-001 (Rev 4) Security Training for Seafarers
This Circular provides information on the changed requirements in the 2010 Manila amendments to the STCW Convention Section A-VI/6 on security training. There is a requirement for approval of security familiarisation training applicable to all seafarers and this...
STCW Circular 2002-001 (Rev 2) Control of Seafarer Certification by Port State Control
This Circular provides information on the requirements for endorsements and other documents required by seafarers on Antigua and Barbuda ships and ensures that the national requirements (which are in line with those in STCW) are clear for Port State Control Officers.
STCW Circular 2004-001 (Rev 2) Application for Seafarer Documents
This Circular provides information on the requirements for endorsements and other documents required by seafarers on Antigua and Barbuda ships and ensures that the national requirements (which are in line with those in the STCW convention) are clear for Port State...
STCW Circular 1998-003 (Rev 2) Authenticity of Seafarer Documents
This Circular provides information on the policy of ADOMS towards the verification of the authenticity of seafarers’ documents and explains the responsibilities of Companies and others towards ensuring that fraudulent documents are detected and rejected.
STCW Circular 2007-002 (Rev 1) Interactive Application System for Seafarer Documents
This Circular provides information on the Interactive Application System for Seafarers which is used by authorized Filing Agents to submit applications for various Seafarers’ Documents.
STCW Circular 1998-001 (Rev 1) Responsibilities of Companies
This Circular provides information on the specific responsibilities that Companies are required to address arising from the STCW Convention.
STCW Circular 2012-001 (Rev 1) 2010 Amendments to STCW: New Grades of Personnel
This Circular provides information on the new grades of certificated seafarers created by the 2010 amendments to the STCW Convention and the approach of the Administration towards them.
STCW Circular 2017-002 (Rev 1) Training Requirements for Masters and Deck Officers on Ships operating in Polar Waters.
This Circular provides information on the requirements in November 2014 by the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organization on its 94th session where it adopted the “International Code for Ships operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code), as...
SOLAS Circular 2012-013 (Rev 1) Guidelines on Stowaways
This Circular provides information on the current IMO guidance for owners, ship’s masters, ports and others on handling stowaway cases.
Miscellaneous Circular 2021-005 International Maritime Organisation Conventions: Guidance on arrangements “to the satisfaction of the administration
This Circular provides guidance on ADOMS’ compliance with the IMO conventions on specific arrangements “to the satisfaction of the Administration.”
SOLAS Circular 2013-007 (Rev 1) Cold Water Survival Guidance
This Circular provides information on the interpretation, expectations, and requirements of the Administration in respect of cold-water survival.