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Long Service Award Ceremony


June 21, 2011

On the evening of Saturday June 18th, 2011 at the lovely Carlisle Bay, staff members of the Department of Marine Services and Merchant Shipping (ADOMS) were joined by family and friends for the Department’s first ever Long Service Awards ceremony.  The evening started with cocktails by the poolside, followed by the distribution of awards and dinner at the Indigo Restaurant.

 Four awardees were honored, each of whom received a letter from the Honorable Prime Minister who due to matters of State was unavoidably absent.  He thanked them personally for their loyalty and their commitment to the Administration and acknowledged their individual contributions to its development and success.

Capt. Jose Gillis, Senior Deputy Director and Registrar was recognized for his 15 years with the Department and for the pivotal role he has played in achieving the various goals and targets that the Administration has met over the years.  His extensive experience in the industry, having held both seagoing and land based careers, no doubt has contributed to the accomplishments of the Department.

Mrs. Laurilyn Dublin celebrated 20 years with the Organization as the Financial Coordinator and was lauded for her frankness and forthrightness and unlike any of the other awardees can credit ADOMS as her first and only place of employment. Mrs. Retenella Brown celebrated her 25th anniversary with the Administration as its receptionist.  It was noted that Mrs. Brown had worked with all six of the Directors and had been with the administration since its inception therefore possessing invaluable institutional memory. She is known among her peers to be very resourceful and wears several other hats effortlessly within the day to day operations.

Mr. Dwight Gardiner, Director and Registrar General was honored not only for his contribution to the development of the Maritime Administration and for its transformation into a world class, ISO certified organization but also for his contribution to the maritime industry locally, regionally and internationally.  It was noted that under his stewardship Antigua and Barbuda’s maritime jurisdiction had been promoted to among the top twenty spots in the global ranking of ship registries.  Mr. Gardiner celebrated his 30th anniversary with the Department.

In his acceptance speech, he emphasized his gratitude to his staff in assisting to realize his vision and one got the distinct impression that although much had been achieved in a relatively short space of time, that this was only the beginning of the manifestation of his dreams for the Department of Marine Services and Merchant Shipping and Antigua and Barbuda as a maritime nation.  We would like to extend our congratulations again to all the awardees and to the Department for its many accomplishments.

Prepared by:      The Business Development Division

June 21, 2011

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