Annual Report 2013
Antigua and Barbuda Maritime Labour Convention 2006
The report takes into consideration the guidance contained in MLC B5.1.4/10 and meets the requirements of the MLC Standard A5.1.4/13. The statistics contained in this report are concerned only with vessels to which the MLC applies. This report covers the calendar year from 1st January 2013 to 31st December 2013.
Antigua and Barbuda ratified the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC) on August 8th 2011 and it came into effect on 20th August 2013.
The Website contains useful information with respect to MLC under the seafarers and information center sections.
Antigua and Barbuda Regulations
The most relevant legislation with respect to MLC are as follows:
- The Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping Act 2006 with amendments of 2006 and 2007
- The MLC (Maritime Labour Convention 2006) Regulations 2012
The following directives are also relevant:
- Drinking Water Standards Directive 2005 (amended)
- The Merchant Shipping (Ships Medical Stores) Directive 2005
- The Merchant Shipping (Reporting of Accidents) Directive 2012
- Familiarization Information for Officers at the Management Level Directive 2012
- Fitness for Duty and Watch-keeping Directive 2012
- STCW Tribunal Directive 2013
- Seafarer’s Accommodation in existing ships Directive 2013
Related Circulars have been issued on the following subjects:
- Preparations for the Maritime Labour Convention 2006
- Reporting of Accidents
- Seafarer Medical Certificates
- 2010 Amendments to STCW New Grades of Personnel
- Interactive Application System for Seafarer Documents (IASS)
- Application for Seafarer Documents
- Control of Seafarer Certification by PSC
- Responsibilities of Companies
- Authenticity of Seafarer Documents
The Antigua and Barbuda MLC Inspection System
For Antigua & Barbuda registered ships to which the MLC applies, the Antigua & Barbuda Department of Marine Services and Merchant Marine (ADOMS) is the “Competent Authority” as defined in Article II(a) of the MLC and is responsible for implementing Antigua & Barbuda’s obligations under the MLC.
In accordance with the MLC Regulations the following inspections are carried out:
- Inspections in order to certify Antigua & Barbuda registered ships of 500 gross tonnage or over engaged in international voyages pursuant to the requirement of MLC 5.1.3/6. These are conducted by Recognized Organizations.
- Inspections of vessels less than 500 gross tonnage operating commercially.
- There are presently no recruitment and placement services based in Antigua & Barbuda pursuant to the requirement of MLC A1.4/2.
- Inspections may also be carried out under the following circumstances:-
- Antigua & Barbuda registered vessels worldwide to which the MLC applies where a complaint has been made.
- Foreign Flag vessels to which the MLC applies in Antigua & Barbuda waters subject to a Port State Control (PSC) Inspection (MLC 5.2.1).
- Foreign Flag vessels to which the MLC applies in Antigua & Barbuda waters where a complaint has been made (MLC 5.2.2).
ADOMS utilizes Inspectors from the following recognized organizations (ROs) to conduct inspections:
- American Bureau of Shipping
- Bureau Veritas
- Class NK
- Korean Register
- Lloyds Register
- Registro Italiano Navale
- Russian Maritime Register
These organizations utilize exclusive surveyors who have been trained to carry out MLC inspections in accordance with the requirements of MLC A5.1.4 and MLC B5.1.4. The performance of these recognized organizations is monitored by occasional auditing by ADOMS.
Inspections are conducted for each registered ship to which MLC applies at intervals not exceeding 3 years in compliance with MLC A5.1.4/4.
Inspections conducted in 2013
Antigua & Barbuda registered ships were inspected as follows:
1140 Inspections (initial certification) were conducted by recognized organizations on behalf of ADOMS with 505 deficiencies raised, 723 of these inspections raised no deficiencies.
Foreign Flag Vessels were inspected as follows:
Port State Control Inspections were conducted in Antigua on 16 vessels with 18 MLC related deficiencies being raised; only 1 vessel inspected had 0 MLC related deficiencies. In 14 of the inspections there were deficiencies related to Hours of Rest recording and monitoring. The main areas of concern are with Hours of Rest recording where even some electronic systems do not calculate compliance correctly. Often the use of any 24 hour period is not fully understood.
The highlighting of reasons for non compliance is not widespread. Some SEA’s were found to be missing – mainly on non compliant ships SEA’s and DMLC part II’s were also found having an incorrect name of the shipowner.
Antigua & Barbuda STCW Endorsements were issued to:
5361 Seafarers at the Management Level and 1919 Seafarers at the operational level. There were 8 fatalities to A&B Seafarers on board A&B vessels (this includes 2 apparent heart attack). 26 serious injuries were reported as were 6 injuries.
5 Crew complaints were received regarding A&B flagged vessels (none from Foreign Flag) concerning wages (3), wages and living conditions (1), hours of work (1). All were promptly and satisfactorily dealt with.
No Crew complaints were received with respect to Foreign Ships in Antigua & Barbuda Waters.