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The Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act, 2014

This amends the Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping Act, 2006, in line with developments at the International level. The main areas covered are;

  • The removal of the restrictions on the registration of passenger ships and high speed craft so that these vessels types can now be registered;
  • An increased choice of ports of registry for commercial and pleasure yachts plus small commercial vessels;
  • Formalization of the issuance of temporary permissions where breakdowns have occurred on board ships;
  • Implementation of Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims Convention;
  • Implementation of Ballast Water Management Convention;
  • Implementation of Anti-fouling systems Convention;
  • Implementation of Bunker Oil Civil Liability Convention;
  • Shipboard personnel definitions with special training and security training requirements as a result of the Manila amendments to the STCW Convention; and
  • Removal of ships from the register in given circumstances.

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