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SOLAS Circular 2013-009 (Rev 1) Fireman’s Outfits – SOLAS amendments
This Circular provides early advice to shipowners and others of the requirements of the Administration in respect of the IMO guidance on Firemen’s outfits and related amendments.
SOLAS Circular 2013-008 (Rev 1) Recovery of Persons from the Water
This Circular provides early advice to shipowners and others of the requirements of the Administration in respect of the IMO guidance on plans for recovery of persons from the water.
SOLAS Circular 2010-004 (Rev 1) Means of Embarkation and Disembarkation
This Circular provides information on the requirements for the inspection and testing of accommodation ladders and gangways
SOLAS Circular 2013-007 (Rev 1) Cold Water Survival Guidance
This Circular provides information on the interpretation, expectations, and requirements of the Administration in respect of cold-water survival.
SOLAS Circular 2013-006 (Rev 1) Ship Security and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code
This Circular provides information and guidance concerning the application of the International Ship and Port Facility Code (ISPS) Code
SOLAS Circular 2013-005 (Rev 1) Maintaining the Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) File
This Circular provides information on the interpretation, expectations, and requirements of the Administration in respect of maintaining the CSR
SOLAS Circular 2013-003 (Rev 2) Piracy and Armed Robbery
This Circular provides information on the interpretation and guidance on the regulatory regime and industry best practices, along with the expectations and requirements of the Administration in respect of piracy and armed robbery against ships and their crew.
SOLAS Circular 2008-003 (Rev 1) Long Range Information and Tracking (LRIT) Requirements
This Circular provides information on the application of the LRIT Requirements and the way that they will be implemented in Antigua and Barbuda. It also provides the addresses and contact details for the Authorised Testing Applications Service providers for Antigua...
SOLAS Circular 2012-013 (Rev 1) Guidelines on Stowaways
This Circular provides information on the current IMO guidance for owners, ship’s masters, ports and others on handling stowaway cases.
SOLAS Circular 2012-012 (Rev 1) Registry and Maintenance of EPIRBS
This Circular provides information on the process for registering and maintaining Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs).